Online Courses and Sessions

Ghaziabad Chapter


Online Courses and Sessions for professional and students.

Date and Time

List of Courses / Sessions offered


[May 9, 2020] Postponed BIG DATA – The Best Known Thing of Today Gaurav Jain, TCS
[May 16, 2020 | 5-6 PM] Research challenge in computer science- from geo spatial data analysis perspective Vivek Saxena, DRDO
[May 17, 2020 | 5-6 PM] Industry 4.0 Nitin Garg, ALTTC
[May 30, 2020 | 5-6 PM] How to Live Stress Free Life Naresh Chand Goel
[May 31, 2020 | 4:30-5:30 PM] Big Data Analytics & Cloud Computing Nitin Garg, ALTTC
[June 06, 2020 | 5:00-6:30 PM] Digital Marketing Glimpse Mr. Rajiv Sharmaa, N K TECH
[June 07, 2020 | 5:00-6:30 PM] Overcoming Fear of Uncertainties Dr. Reema Tomar, Maulana Azad Medical College
[June 13, 2020 | 5:00-6:30 PM] SQL: Fundamentals Bhanu Bhardwaj
[June 28, 2020 | 5:00-6:30 PM] Options for Engineering Students in the Post-Pandemic World Panel:

Ms Prerna Agarwal, HR Head (Strategic Initiatives & Employee Experience – LSHCPSER Group), TCS Panelist;

Prof A K Saini, Professor and Director – Industry Cell & Director – Development, GGS IP University;

Ms Yachna Malhotra, Assoc Professor, ITS Ghaziabad

[July 18, 2020 | 5:00-7:00 PM] Social Network: The Online Mint Mr. Rajiv Sharmaa, N K TECH
TBD ‘Impact of Innovation-driven Ecosystem towards India’s Socio-Economic Upliftment’ Dr. Nalin Kumar Srivastava, Scientist D, Min. of Electronics & IT
TBD ‘Cloud Strategies and Implementation’ Gaurav Jain, TCS
TBD ‘Career Counseling for budding professionals’ Gaurav Jain, TCS
TBD ‘3 C’s Internet of Things’ Gaurav Jain, TCS
TBD ‘Internet of Things Platforms and adoption’ Gaurav Jain, TCS
TBD ‘A blind date with Arduino’ Gaurav Sharma, Digital India Corporation (Min. of Electronics & IT)
TBD ‘Basics of C’ Savita Singh, IPEM
TBD ‘Basic of java for BCA 5th Sem’ Savita Singh, IPEM
TBD ‘Branching -Workflow/Strategies’ Manjeet Ratan, Encore Softwares
TBD ‘Formal email drafting / documentation’ Manjeet Ratan, Encore Softwares
TBD ‘How to start work freelancer / with which skills should start’ Manjeet Ratan, Encore Softwares